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  Spring 2025 

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The Campus!

Spring, 2025

GPA's Matter! Join Us!


Our #1 top goal is for our students to score the highest in the class. PERIOD! We offer very effective exam-cram workshops a day or two prior to the exam, that help our students earn the highest scores in the class on selected San Diego State University® College of Business, Econ, Finance, Calc, and Stats exams! We provide our own custom materials. NO Powerpoint! EVER!


Fun Fact: We have served over 150,000 SDSU® students! 

Fun Fact: We are the #1 independent college-based tutoring center in the entire State of California!

Required Legal Notice from guess who: 

"SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY® and SDSU® are registered trademarks of San Diego State University or its affiliates, and are referenced on this website for identification purposes only. San Diego State University and its affiliates have no affiliation or association with A+ Review and do not sponsor or endorse A+ Review’s independent tutoring services."


At A+ Review we do the heavy lifting, the hardcore TEACHING of the material. We dumb it all down. Our students LEARN the material to a very high level. And our students are constantly achieving the highest grades on the exams. (absolute FACT!) Join us for our Spring 2025 exam-cram workshops! We are ready to help you complete the online homework (using our CourseStar® online homework software) and to help you score extremely high on all your exams! We do not cut corners... our students naturally score high on both the in-person and online exams because they understand everything! It's pretty simple! Our students learn everything and score high on the exams! Join us... we are exam-cram experts.

OUR SECRET: our students actually learn the material to a very high level. Then, no matter what the exam looks like, our students score the highest in the class! That's it! Our students understand every problem, every graph, every formula, every trick, every concept! We go over it all. We never use Powerpoint slides! We provide all our custom made materials and together we work through all the exam material using our giant white boards and our thick black markers! This old fashion method of teaching really works! Our students "Learn it and Earn it!" And this is why we have had over 150,000 SDSU students come through are workshops! 

Send us A MESSAGE in the boxes below!  Thx!

Photo of SDSU. We are NOT affiliated with SDSU! We are an independent tutoring center located near the campus!

↓ Send us exam dates, info, questions, etc. in the text boxes below. It goes directly to our gmail! We will receive it and respond to you when we next go into the office (usually daily). Thanks!



APlussdsu at gmail (also, the boxes just below↓  go directly to this email!)


619 589 9900 (usually in office in the M-Th, afternoons)

TEXT your general questions to: 858 752 2490 (that's our office cell phone)

Send us a question or reservation. We will respond to your inputted email address Mon to Thur afternoons.

Thanks for submitting!

   Spring 2025 Exam-Crams  

Live in PB/MB during junior/senior year!!

HOW OUR MAGIC WORKS: We have 3 experts working behind the scenes to make our exam-cram workshops as perfect as possible. (Our enrolled in-class notetakers provide us with all the information as to what will be on the exam, etc.) We use full-time experts, not part-time tutors!  PRIOR TO OUR WORKSHOP, we analyze Canvas materials, handouts, quizzes, in-class notes, PPT slides, and what the prof says will be on the exam. Then we carefully create an excellent exam-cram workshop and present it to our students in a small-group format to help our students score as high as possible on their exams. We do NOT use PPT slides! We provide our custom made materials! We use thick black markers and white-boards. This old fashion method of learning really works. Hope to see you this semester. We are going all-out to help our students take all the top grades in the class as usual.

Be sure to visit La Jolla Shores often!

We help SDSU students

1. We offer to increase the success rates of students we work with by helping with their exam prep and homework. (fact)

2. We offer to reduce student anxiety by suggesting effective test-taking strategies and good study habits. (fact)

3. We mentor and motivate students to achieve greatness in their college years and beyond. (fact)

Photo of San Diego State University. We are NOT affiliated with SDSU! We are an independent tutoring center, located very close to the university!

PARENTS CAN NOW PAY! We have added a "Parents Page". It is a very popular feature. Using PayPal, your parents (or anybody) can pay for any of your reviews. Just remember to bring your ID so that we can verify that you match your PayPal name when you arrive at the review.

PROVEN FACT: The A+ Review students as a group perform significantly better (at alpha .05) than the students as a group that did not attend our exam-cram reviews. An SDSU grad student did their thesis on this topic to confirm this fact with extensive scientific research. ALSO... we call our students for the results. The vast majority score well above the class average.

NOTE: GOOGLE PROBLEM: When you search on Google, it may give you links to old pages from months or years ago. Ugh! ... so make sure you the either click on our HOME PAGE and/or hit REFRESH... to get our latest page for THIS week. Lots of broken GOOGLE links we are trying to fix. This website does not "auto-refresh" like others do. So REFRESH the page!

Our number one question is: How do you pay?
Answer: Use Cash, Check, or Card... just pay at the door. We take all credit and debit cards... at the door. OPTION 2 is to pay in advance on our Parents Pay page. Then just show your ID at the door.

Knick Knacks:
LOCATED: 6784 El Cajon Blvd, 92115, very last door on building across from BofA. ... From SDSU... go 1/2 mile EAST (away from beach) on Montezuma Rd. to the very end (at Ralphs), turn left. We are 2 block down on left side (directly across from Bank of America). If you ride your bike over here... just wheel it into the back of the room when you get here.

RESERVATIONS: No reservation required (usually), you can just show up at the door. Sometimes in bigger classes and also towards the end of the semester... we may fill-up. So reservations (first name, phone #) are sometimes required at that time. Just fill in your info in the boxes on the appropriate page if you wish. Also, once in a while a review time will slightly change (for example, review start-time may rarely start an hour later or something like that... we text message everyone on the list. If you are not on our list, we can't text message you!

SDSU Profs: Don't ask your prof about A+ Review (some don't like us for some reason. There are some that LIKE us, they told us this to our face! "I know your students score high on my exams which I'm fine with, but other professors as you probably know, don't feel the same way" We help students LEARN the exam material VERY well. And at no cost to SDSU or the taxpayers! Amazing. Some profs seem to resent that we help their students ace their exams. Why you ask? Ask a psychologist... there are many theories. Pure politics is the top potential reason we think.


NOTE: Don't ask profs about A+ Review! Some profs may just lose it on the spot and shout at you! (We have many stories!). We also have recordings provided to us of profs horribly bad-mouthing us! (Seemingly damaging our professional reputations!!) Google the word defamation. It's very upsetting. But our students continue to score high on their exams (fact)... so we keep going (fact). NO Powerpoint trash... just hardcore number crunching and learning. Never mind them... Look out for yourself and join us for 5-star exam-prep. GPA's matter.

Air Conditioning: Our Air Conditioning is always running so bring a jacket! (No, we will not turn off the AC... always runs... even in the winter! We need the fresh, purified air being pumped into the room) "Hi, Can you turn down the A/C?"  "No".

We have excellent AC equipment including a very expensive UV light filter system that kills germs and purifies the air! This same system is used in hospitals!!

Bring: We provide all materials. We provide pencils. Bring a calculator if you have one. TI83/84 seems to work best. 

Make Your Life Easier and SCORE HIGHER!
A+ Review, 6784 El Cajon Blvd. 
San Diego, CA 92115
NOTE: We are a private tutoring center
and we are NOT affiliated with CSU or SDSU!!

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