A+ Review
Test Prep for San Diego
Math 120 Fall 2024
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We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc. Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.
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FYI: Our favorite i-phone APPS for solving the Homework is either PhotoMATH or MathWAY... but we prefer Chegg's MathWAY. Make sure you get perfect scores on the homework, THEN get in here for the exam-crams and get yourself an "A" in this class... "easy" money.
Also SYMBOLAB dot com works very well (Go to Solutions, Calculus, First Derivative, etc.) Symbolab works better later in the semester as it has better graphs than MathWay although MATHWAY is getting better ever since Chegg bought it.
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Math 120 Manchester
Exam1 exam-cram
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Don't mess around. GPAs matter! NO Powerpoint bulshite! Just exam Qs perfectly gone over, one after the other, after the other. Over 100,000 SDSU students have been through our workshops! Trust us to get you a high score on this exam. It's what we do! GPA's matter! Together, we work through all the exam material. NO Powerpoint! We dumb it all down for you and spoon feed you the information. Our students understand EVERYTHING! That's why they score so high! Get into this workshop! Hope to see you there. Your parents can pay on this website if desired otherwise just pay at the door. Just show up! We will take care of the rest. 6784 El Cajon Blvd. Last door on building (half mile from campus). Just show up at the door... that's it.
Spring: Our VIP group "NAILED" the exams last semester! Yup. Ask around. They were very prepared for those exam questions. Learned everything perfectly and nailed the exam. Join our texting list for this class by sending your info in the above text boxes (goes directly to our email). DO NOT MISS THESE REVIEWS!!
Get an "A" on the exams!
NOTE: Last semester we had quite a few people attend our Manchester Final Exam review. A kid said he did not go to our midterm reviews and was not doing well in the class. When asked WHY he didn't attend our midterms reviews, he just shrugged, didn't know. DO NOT WAIT TIL THE FINAL like the masses.... get in here for the midterms! and get a high score on ALL the exams! Hope to see you there.
FYI: Some students have their parents pay for this review. To have your parents (or anyone) prepay visit our ParentsPay page. You can also pay at the door with credit/debit card or cash.
MORE General Info: We will present all the exam material to you and dumb it all down. Excellent review. We have helped people with Manchester exams for almost 20 years! Crazy! We will dumb down for you everything you are supposed to know for this midterm. We will perfectly cover everything CM says will be on this exam. Hope you can make it. The only thing that matters is that our students take the highest scores in the class. Period. And this is what we do all semester long and why we are the #1 college based exam-prep in San Diego. Join our fun group. Please make a reservation in the boxes at the top of this page.
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Math 120 Jarjees
Exam1... check back