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  MIS 180 Spring 2025 

GOOGLE PROBLEM: When searching us on Google, you may be given an old page from months or years ago. Click on our “Home” page or refresh for our latest page. 

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Join our Private Text Lists:
We keep a texting list for each class and teacher. A few times per semester we send out a text regarding when our exam review is and occasionally other info such as extra exam questions, etc. Join our text list by sending us your info above. All info is kept private and at the end of the semester, we simply delete all text lists.



In MIS 180, over 60% of the students will earn C's, D's, or F's. Don't settle for that nonsense. Get into our super-reviews this semester. Walter has been helping SDSU MIS 180 students score high on their exams for over 6 years. Walter is a MIS 180 genius. Join Walter as he dumbs down the exam material to the dumbest possible degree and spoon feeds it all to you. Then, walk into the exam and kill it. Then, have a big party to celebrate and call your parents to share the good news. Also Walter offers AMAZING help with the assignments, etc.



Not sure what we are doing with this. We are crazy busy with building out CourseStar this semester. We sort of phased this out recently. 

We will dumb down all the exam material that you need to know for the exam so that you can score high. You will LOVE this exam-cram review. Last semester we NAILED the exams... our students all got "A's"... a fkg joookke! Hope to see you there.  SEND US YOUR INFO AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE!!

Make Your Life Easier and SCORE HIGHER!
A+ Review, 6784 El Cajon Blvd. 
San Diego, CA 92115
NOTE: We are a private tutoring center
and we are NOT affiliated with CSU or SDSU!!

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