A+ Review
Private exam tutoring for SDSU® students!

Legal Notice: SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY® and SDSU® are registered trademarks of San Diego State University or its affiliates, and are referenced on this website for identification purposes only. San Diego State University and its affiliates have no affiliation or association with A+ Review and do not sponsor or endorse A+ Review’s independent tutoring services.
Spring 2025 more info...
Many of the students in an undergraduate class will typically be given C's, D's, and F's at the end of the semester. Do NOT settle for that nonsense. Get into our exam-cram reviews... and score in the top of the class this semester. GPA's matter! Our entire goal is to perfectly prep our group so that they score in the top third of the class or higher.
HORROR: Around one-quarter of new SDSU freshmen do not graduate SDSU even after five years! That is upsetting. ALSO, there is a problem across our nation currently with freshmen retention rates slipping and some freshmen not making it through even their first year. But we have helped MANY (thousands of) SDSU freshmen learn good study skills, prepare for exams and succeed. If a student gets kicked out of SDSU, it may be even harder these days to get back in. Freshmen need to stay in school and succeed and A+ Review is CLEARLY helping support that university and CSU top goal. We are proud to be a part of the solution!
PARENTS: Your child should get into our exclusive workshops! Less than 70% of new SDSU freshmen graduate SDSU after 4 full years of enrollment! Crazy... and such a waste. The problem is that 18-year-olds have SO MANY distractions these days in their first year of college. And it is every-man-for-himself, no mercy, no hand-holding, no mothering. Welcome to THE SYSTEM... If your child is not getting the coursework completed, they are at risk of failing out of SDSU. There are MANY transfer students waiting at the gate to take your child's place. Do NOT take chances. We have tons of parent thank you cards and emails on file. Read our Parents Page on the left. Your child MUST excel at SDSU and A+ Review can be an important part of achieving this goal.
Transfer Students: A+ Review has helped tens of thousands of SDSU transfer students score high on their SDSU exams. (We have been busy.) Many times transfer students are behind the 8-ball. Perhaps they took math many years ago and have forgotten everything, or their JC did not teach the subject properly, or they attended a failing California high school or they work many hours. (or they went through a failing CA school district such as Oakland, parts of LA Unified and San Bernadino, or the many other horrible CA schools and districts out there!) Utter FAILURE based on National stats! CA is of the lowest ranking states in the nation for K-12 education! (fact!)). And we believe SDSU is now admitting lower skilled students based on what we are seeing! The result is that students are entering SDSU without the requisite skills needed to succeed! We SEE it! Students can't do simple algebra! Let not your heart be troubled! At A+ Review we specialize in preparing Transfer Students to score high on their exams! We dumb it all down and spoon-feed the material. Don't risk scoring low. NO POWERPOINT SLIDES! EVER! GPA's are VERY important these days in landing a job and gaining admittance to graduate programs. Join us before your exam to rescue you from your bad education. We SIMPLIFY the exam material and spoon-feed it to our group. THAT is why we have had over 100,000 SDSU students attend our live and in-person workshops!
Mike, Walter, and Sherwyn (along with their office staff of SDSU students) are going to work VERY hard this semester to get OUR students into the top of the class, again, and again, and again this semester. Our #1 goal is to put our students in the top of the class. Period. Nothing else really matters to us. We can't save the world! But we can help get a bunch of SDSU students high grades on their exams! We do NOT cut corners... we professionally prepare our students for their exams. Our secret is that our students truly LEARN the material. NO POWERPOINT SLIDES! EVER! We just cover the exam material and questions! TOGETHER we go through it all!
Just click on the appropriate class on the left side of this page for more info. Join our text list above. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

A+ Review Benefits the SDSU Community and the State of California by tutoring students at NO cost to the state government
We Benefit Society by Striving to Increase Graduation Rates and Student Success at SDSU.
1. With nearly 20% of incoming SDSU Freshmen not graduating SDSU after even 5-years, A+ Review fights daily to help keep more of these students in school and graduating on time (fact). We get these students out of their dorm rooms and apartments and into our 5-hour super-reviews where we get them ready for their exams (fact). Over 5 hours, we cover with our small group of students, important concepts and problems. In addition, we stress good study skills and test-taking strategies (fact).
2. Some transfer students have historically struggled with the jump from their local community college to the big university (fact). A+ Review is there as an option for these students to help with poor or forgotten math skills and to help prep for exams. Many transfer students have full or part time jobs. A+ Review helps save these students time and helps them learn the material quickly and in a quality fashion. Together, we typically work through as many as 100 or more problems and we review many important concepts. Our students LEARN the exam material very well.
3. We cost the SDSU University and the taxpayers nothing. We are entirely self-funded. SDSU receives hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money from Sacramento. We receive zero money from the State. In fact we PAY money to Sacramento each year.
4. Our tutoring rates are extremely low when compared to local tutors who charge $25 an hour, $40 an hour, sometimes $50 an hour, and we have seen $100 an hour for organic chemistry. Our prorated hourly fee is around $15 an hour and includes materials, food, drinks, etc. Our staff is dedicated to the highest quality of teaching and mentoring. We offer a great value to the SDSU student community (fact).
Support our efforts to help students score high and excel at SDSU. Thank you!
NOTE: We only cover the following classes for San Diego State University students exclusively:
Accounting, Finance, Statistics, MIS, Economics, Calculus, Marketing (BA 370), and Operations Management. (those classes keep us very busy; we may add another class or two in the future)
NOTE: We are high-level EXPERTS in these classes. We understand ALL problems and concepts in these classes A to Z and most importantly, we can dumb it all down and explain it for our VIP students. We do NOT use part-time tutors. We exclusively use full time EXPERTS in the material only.