A+ Review
Private exam tutoring for SDSU® students!
Parents Pay Page
How to pay for a review:
Typically a student just pays at our door with cash, card ApplePay, etc..
Additionally, a parent (or anyone) can pre-pay for a student using the yellow payment button below. Then we print out that paid invoice and place it in a box at our check-in table. Our workshops are $78.99 (mini-reviews), $99.99 (regular full review). Check this website for the appropriate price.
When a pre-paid student arrives, they show their identification card (drivers license, etc.) at our front desk and we will pull the paid invoice from our PayPal box. The student signs the paper and receives a receipt and an admittance card and sits down at an available seat. If the prepaid workshop doesn't get used (the student doesn't show, etc.) that prepaid workshop can be used for another review OR we will issue a refund at your request... not a problem at all. Please call 619-589-9900 (during office hours, afternoons when SDSU is in session) OR email us anytime at Aplussdsu@gmail.com.
However, once a student attends our workshop, we offer no refund after that time!
Use the PayPal Buttons Below
PLEASE READ: no PayPal account is needed, PayPal just "processes" your credit or debit card; however, PayPal desperately tries to get people to "make an account"... but no account is needed! You should just "Check Out as a Guest" with NO login used at all. Please CAREFULLY review the screenshots at bottom of this page to easily "Check Out as a Guest" and not have to make any PayPal account at all. There are two spots they try to get you to make a Paypal account. Avoid... just check out as a guest. REVIEW THE SCREEN SHOTS BELOW. Note: after making payment you will receive an email receipt from PayPal. Send a screenshot of that to your student so they have record of payment and to show us that screenshot at our front desk (works best, or we have a copy of it as well here in a box). Call with any questions. Your child is in good hands at A+ Review. We specialize in preparing SDSU students for their exams. Over 100,000 SDSU students served!
NOTE: PayPal charges us around $3.75 to process each card, so we add $.99 cents to help defray the cost. Thank you for you understanding.
$99 Workshop Button

$78 Workshop Button